and Google outline unprecedented mass censorship and election rigging at
US Senate hearing
Andre Damon
18 January 2018
the backs of the US and world populations, social media companies have
built up a massive censorship apparatus staffed by an army of “content
reviewers” capable of seamlessly monitoring, tracking, and blocking
millions of pieces of content.
character of this apparatus was detailed in testimony Wednesday from
representatives of Facebook, Twitter, and Google’s YouTube before the
United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation,
chaired by South Dakota Republican John Thune.
hearing was called to review what technology companies are doing to shut
down the communications of oppositional political organizations. It
represented a significant escalation of the campaign, supported by both
Democrats and Republicans, to establish unprecedented levels of censorship
and control over the Internet.
with increasingly powerful artificial intelligence systems, these
technology companies are free to remove and block the communications of
their users at the behest of the government, in a seamless alliance
between Silicon Valley and the major US spy agencies.
Bickert, head of Global Policy Management at Facebook, told lawmakers that
the social media giant now employs a security team of 10,000 people, 7,500
of whom “assess potentially violating content,” and that, “by the end of
2018 we will more than double” the security team.
group includes “a dedicated counterterrorism team” of “former intelligence
and law-enforcement officials and prosecutors who worked in the area of
counterterrorism.” In other words, there is a revolving door between the
technology giants and the state intelligence and police forces, with one
increasingly indistinguishable from the other.
pointed to the growing use of artificial intelligence to flag content,
saying Facebook does not “wait for these… bad actors to upload content to
Facebook before placing it into our detection systems,” bragging that much
of the “propaganda” removed from Facebook “is content that we identify
ourselves before anybody” else has a chance to view it.
added that Facebook has partnered with over a dozen other companies to
maintain a blacklist of content, based on “unique digital fingerprints.”
This means that if a piece of content, whether a video, image, or written
statement, is flagged by any one of these companies, it will be banned
from all social media. This database now includes some 50,000 pieces of
content and is constantly growing, officials said.
other words, the technology giants have created an all-pervasive system of
censorship in which machines, trained to collaborate with the CIA, FBI,
and other US intelligence agencies, are able to flag and block content
even before it is posted.
Downs, global head of Public Policy and Government Relations at YouTube,
likewise boasted that Google uses “a mix of technology and humans to
remove content,” adding that YouTube relies on a “trusted flagger program”
to provide “actionable flags” based on the flaggers’ experience with
“issues like hate speech and terrorism,” words that imply that these
“trusted flaggers” are connected to US intelligence agencies.
learning is now helping our human reviewers remove nearly five times as
many videos as they were before,” Downs said, adding that Google’s
censorship machine is virtually automated. She said that this year there
will be “10,000 people across Google working to address content that might
violate our policies.”
declared that since June YouTube has “removed 160,000 videos and
terminated 30,000 channels for violent extremism.” The company has
“reviewed over two million videos” in its collaboration with “law
enforcement, government,” and “NGOs.”
stated that Google is actively engaged in promoting what she called
“counter-speech,” that is, the promotion of propaganda narratives. She
also pointed to Google’s Jigsaw program as deploying “targeted ads and
YouTube videos to disrupt online radicalization,” and “redirecting” users
to content that Google approves of.
hearing also featured the testimony of Clint Watts, a former FBI official,
former US Army officer, fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United
States, and a leading promoter of social media censorship.
presented the hearing with an unhinged justification for what these
massive powers might be used for, in a hypothetical scenario he dubbed
“Anwar Awlaki meets PizzaGate.”
greatest concern moving forward,” he said, “might likely be a foreign
intelligence service, posing as Americans on social media, infiltrating
one or both political extremes in the US and then recruiting unwitting
Americans to undertake violence against a target of the foreign power’s
this formulation, social opposition, what he calls the “political
extremes,” including left-wing politics, is the product of foreign
intervention and therefore treasonous. It is also defined as “terrorist”
in content and therefore criminal.
expressed extreme fear over the widespread growth of opposition to the
policies of US imperialism. He arrogantly decried, “Lesser-educated
populations around the world predominately arriving in cyberspace via
mobile phones will be particularly vulnerable to social media
content of Thursday’s testimony points the far-advanced preparations for
the establishment of police state forms of rule.
effort to control speech online is driven by a ruling elite that is
immensely fearful of social opposition. Amid growing social inequality and
the ever-mounting threat of world war, broad sections of the population,
and in particular the working class, are increasingly disillusioned with
the capitalist system. Having no social reform to offer, the ruling elites
see censorship as the only means to prop up their rule.
the explosive content of the statements made at Thursday’s hearing, it is
extraordinary that they received no significant coverage in either the
print or broadcast media.
hearing took place just one day after the World
Socialist Web Site carried its live webinar,
“Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship,” featuring WSWS chairperson
David North and journalist Chris Hedges.
Google's censorship!
is blocking the World
Socialist Web Site from search results.
fight this blacklisting:
this article with friends and coworkers
think of note is the infantile piece on the Facebook
position published in the New York Times technology
section yesterday that makes no mention of the
decision's political intent.https://www.nytimes.com/201...
of all usury is mistaken for capitalism. And that is
a fatal mistake.
for this quote in the article attributed to Clint
Watts: “The greatest concern moving forward,” he
said, “might likely be a foreign intelligence
service, posing as Americans on social media,
infiltrating one or both political extremes in the
US and then recruiting unwitting Americans to
undertake violence against a target of the foreign
power’s choosing.”
the fear is they'll do what the deep state within
the FBI has been doing in the U.S. for at least 70
why does my comment immediately go to moderation? Pt
calling the kettle black?)
no social reform to offer, the ruling elites see
censorship as the only means to prop up their rule."
Well that and violent police repression. Also I
think the ruling class is going to roll out a
corporate led purge of "extremists" by getting
"extremists" fired from their jobs. The
corporatization of #MeToo is the pilot program for a
more widespread Neo-McCarthyism that will be
designed to starve opponents of capitalism.
militarism and imperialism, and thus weaken and
crush any nascent popular movement in those
Google, Amazon, et-al are in desperate need of some
long-overdue, stiff competition. These companies are
starting to look like the telephone and oil
hegemonies of old.

is all rediculous bordering with absurd when largest
commercial purveyors of violence, intimidation and
physical and emotional domination for profit or
political expediency like FB, Google and Tweeter and
more, impudently claim guardianship of human
civility, acceptable political discourse and social
media is an abomination and must be abolish in its
global form of massively concentrated capital
serving neoliberal oligarchic elite while destroying
humanity via orchestrated economic/financial crises
and wars for profit.
all other social platforms, FB does what they are
designed to do by NSA: mass spying and survellance,
mass manipulation of human feelings of vulnerable
via supposed judgment of likelibity, promoting
sheeple mentality by imposing leaders and creating
from free citizenry brainless followers of
establishment puppets, politicians, celebrities,
brain damaged sports gladiators or filthy rich Wall
Street abominations, not to mention distortion
social relations into macabre, peddling financial
interests of oligarchy and spreading moronic cult of
technology or rathe addiction to useless gadgets,
spreading nothing but fake news and defending
establishment status quo via blatant censorship and
suppression of knowledge and ideas threatening FB
corporate interest and interest of IC which FB is
almost exclusively serving.
is tragic however is that too many in a torpor of
their machinic unconscious, arrested by western
liberalism, minds , their ethics, aesthetics,
technics, psychics and politics, see benefits of
their slave like submission to social media mind
control to outweigh extreme dangers to humanity at
this deafening silence of the lambs at gates of
like the old East Germany 😏 ! Where the Stasi and
their "Spitzeln" held sway...People used to say
that's why the DDR had no unemployment: because half
the population was employed spying on the other
sound like a job scheme for unemployed/retired US
spooks and cops.
I hate being censored by moderators and "flaggers",
including on this site. They don't always go after
trolls by any means.
Aren't some posts deleted automatically on some
platforms because somebody who doesn't like them
flags them as "spam"? That could be any random
conservative. They've been doing that sort of thing
for years! And giving left-wing books one-star
reviews on Amazon.
WHICH sites *aren't* partners-in-censorship with
Facebook? And which are? That would be useful to
no social reform to offer, the ruling elites see
censorship as the only means to prop up their rule."
says it all.
❝ Given
the explosive content of the statements made at
Thursday’s hearing, it is extraordinary that they
received no significant coverage in either the print
or broadcast media. ❞
is true of most articles I read on this website
and other progressive ones.
the explosive content of the statements made at
Thursday’s hearing, it is extraordinary that they
received no significant coverage in either the print
or broadcast media" is astonishing indeed since e.g.
the NY Times reports on most other of Thune's
the main focus of the actions by the internet
platform corporations Google, Facebook, Twitter,
concerns suppression of information, its other
purpose is to access what the intelligence agencies
call "open sources of information". These set the
agenda for the government in knowing where to direct
its intelligence, security and propaganda
Just as governments send barflies into barrooms to
eavesdrop on what people are discussing, so the
monitoring of the internet serves a similar purpose,
and warns the government where its propaganda is
effective or non-effective.
group includes “a dedicated counterterrorism team”
of “former intelligence and law-enforcement
officials and prosecutors who worked in the area of
counterterrorism.” In other words, there is a
revolving door between the technology giants and the
state intelligence and police forces, with one
increasingly indistinguishable from the other."
obvious that the elites are frightened that
"knowledge" will lead to social unrest--the
population must be kept uninformed and ignorant.
Propaganda has proven to be successful in the past
and will work again in the future only if the ruling
class can gain total control of the internet.
think they're trying to put a genie back in the
bottle that has long since escaped. History
shows you can't put genies of the technological
or social progress sort back into bottles; any
more than women will ever go back to wearing
will force real resistance underground as they
have historically.

to all!!
article proves why political collaboration is
necessary. Julian Assange mentioned the existential
threat of artificial intelligence (AI) to humanity.
see it everyday on the WSWS, in the comments posted
as provocation, misdirection, and pessimism by
newly-created screen names. Always ask provocateurs
to identify themselves and their interest. Expose
the lies and the motives behind them!
growth of AI is an indication that the ruling class
has lost its collective mind, and therefore needs
something to think in its place, while removing
human emotion. This is how scenarios for nuclear war
get drawn up and possibly implemented, which is the
danger to which Assange refers.
a blacklisted artist & revolutionary socialist,
my social media posts get smashed in every forum,
except here. Therefore I rely on the WSWS to allow
me to embed a relevant link in a comment, when
necessary. It's the only way my political
publications can get any exposure in this current
collaboration the WSWS is proposing, does NOT
compromise their political position. EVERYONE
opposed to censorship must join this fight! In doing
so, they will come to realize that it is being led
by the 4th International, and therefore all must
learn & respect orthodox Trotskyism. This will
require much political work, but it's what needs to
be done. If we don't begin uniting around this
issue, all of us will be annihilated by fascism.
your "new screen names" on here are just as
likely to indicate that the WSWS's articles on
issues of extreme interest such as this one and
#metoo for instance, are attracting lots of new
readers and commentators: because they have seen
the WSWS'S articles shared: or found them via
search engines other than Google.
not everybody is on Disqus so they may join it
just to comment. Simple.
have long argued that the alternative
progressive and left media must align. Without
an organized yet free media, we cannot win.
many it is not possible to support, financially,
the many good sites out there. An organized yet
free media would certainly help both in the
fight against internet censorship and for the
fight to promote socialism.
this is what I say! The WSWS, Counterpunch
et al should join with the broader left
websites such as Alternet, Commondreams,
etc, etc: &form a legal fighting fund to
fight censorship bt taking Google and
Facebook to court. *Hear me, WSWS
good just grousing...
would wsws join with websites beholden
to the Democratic Party that pursue a
political agenda completely at odds with
that of the wsws?